
Patricia Dwyer

Tax Partner

Pat has 30 years of experience working in public accounting firms, with an emphasis on estate planning and trust and estate services since 1995. Throughout her years of practice, she has developed a deep understanding of complex estate and trust issues. She specializes in assisting high-net-worth individuals and large multi-generational family businesses with their estate and succession planning needs. She focuses on helping clients reach their family wealth transfer goals through trust, business succession, and charitable planning; estate and income tax planning; and insurance, retirement, and education planning. She also assists families through the difficult postmortem process; including complicated estate, gift and trust tax compliance along with trust administration and funding issues.

While in law school, she developed an enthusiasm for tax law and worked closely with the late Professor Jerry Kasner, a prominent national estate planning tax attorney and speaker, researching and editing his treatise, Post Mortem Tax Planning.

  • J.D. Santa Clara University School of Law
  • B.A. University of California, Davis
  • Member of the Bar in the states of California and Oregon
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)